We are excited to inform you that Uppa Baby is coming out with their Rumbleseat which allows you to convert your VISTA stroller into a compact rear-facing tandem stroller. This all-aluminum frame seat, complete with 5-point harness, attaches in seconds to all 2009 Uppa Baby Vista Strollers.
Your child can now be a "Back seat Driver" with the new Rumble Seat. Made Exclusively for the Uppa Baby Vista Stroller, the seat snaps on in seconds and is very easy to use. The aluminum frame is high enough that your child's hands are kept safely away from the wheel..
You can also use the adapters with an infant car seat and have the Rumbleseat attached to let your newborn and toddler take a ride. You can also reverse the toddler seat and have it face the Rumbleseat so your children can face each other.
Another great perk is that you can use the Rumble Seat along with the Piggyback wheeled board at the same time turning your stroller into a triple stroller!