ERGObaby has worked hard to promote Babywearing because of the tremendous benefit to our global family. Education is paramount in helping parents make the best decisions for themselves and their babies and it has always been a part of our mission. We are very saddened by the loss of babies over the years from suffocation in bag slings. It is our responsibility as a manufacturer to stress the incredible benefits of keeping our babies close to us in a safe and secure manner.
ERGObaby is taking the following steps to respond to the negative press:
1. One of the greatest gifts anyone can be given is the opportunity to be a parent. I remember when my son was only a few days old, sound asleep in his bassinet; my strong desire to pick him up and hold him close to my heart dominated any other need. My mothering instinct to keep him safe, secure and content has always been my driving force, and when I started ERGObaby, my intention was to create a product that would promote and enhance the ability of parents to safely and comfortably keep their babies close to them as often as possible. Eight years later, my research into the science behind babywearing has affirmed my mothering instincts. I know, beyond a doubt, that bonding with and nurturing our babies from infancy with the help of babywearing is absolutely the best way. read more...
2. We have clearly defined the three categories of carriers: Soft Structured Carriers, Wraps and Slings.
3. We are bringing to the forefront our significant research and certifications.
4. We are highlighting our perspective on safety issues with an essay on safety and information on correct positioning in slings.
We hope you find this helpful in answering any questions you might be receiving regarding the recent warnings.
Click this link to learn more about the ERGOBaby Carriers.