Here is an excerpt from a KidCo press release regarding their compliance with the new Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act that had many juvenile product manufacturers scrambling.
"One of the main issues this law addresses is lead content in toys and other children’s products. It dictates that lead content in all children’s products be reduced dramatically over the next few years. Specifically, the allowable level of lead in paint on children’s products be 600 ppm (parts per million) by February 10, 2009, 300 ppm after one year, and 100 ppm after three years, if possible.
As the government scrambles to address their own new requirements, the manufacturers of these products are left to figure things out for themselves. However, KidCo wants to assure you that our compliance not only with product element levels but with the administrative orders directed are being handled and completed within the original timeframe designated, even if that time frame has been re-assigned to a future date.
In addressing the lead issue specifically, we want to assure you that KidCo gates, because they are certified to more stringent European standards are already LESS THAN 65 ppm! That’s right! At this very moment, as they always have been, KidCo safety gates already greatly exceed the allowable minimum of lead content set to go into effect by 2011! Our compliance with product certification (also mandated by the CPSIA) is also present as you can view product certificates by
clicking here. These certificates assure you that our products have been tested to the full extent of the law and have passed.
Is KidCo ahead of our time? We always have been. We were the first to introduce metal safety gates to the U.S. 16 years ago; we are constantly striving for more stringent U.S. testing practices, and we are the first manufacturer to have products already far below the final government regulations regarding lead content.
KidCo takes child safety very seriously and in doing so stretches this commitment beyond safety gates. The BabySteps line of home-made baby food accessories is and always has been BPA free-another very hot topic around the world and also addressed in the CPSIA. The new line of PeaPods also comes with a PVC-free, polyester, self-inflatable mattress."
http://kidcosafety.com/ to view the full line of KidCo products.