Mar 31, 2009
Mar 19, 2009
Toxin Compliance in all Sunshine Kids Radian Car Seats

Click here to read the Stamford Times article about toxicity levels in car seats rates the 'safest car seats' of which two are the Sunshine Kids Radian and Monterey seats
Click on the link to learn more about the Sunshine Kids Radian car seats and Monterey booster seat.
Mar 17, 2009
ERGObaby is featured as a "Dad Pack" in March's issue of Pregnancy Magazine!

Babywearing is more than just a trend, it's a lifestyle. Devotées of 'Attachment Parenting' consider a carrier an essential tool in raising secure and confident children. But that doesn't have to mean shrouding yourself in a sling of woven hemp until your baby's ready to walk on his own--unless, of course, you want to. And sure, every family needs a stroller and an infant car seat, but we suggest there's a better vehicle for a walk around a crowded farmer's market or keeping baby near while you put in a load of laundry. Baby carriers are more versatile, stylish, and practical than ever. We've picked the standouts--carry on!,..."
Dad Packs"
What's bound to get a dad wearing baby? A carrier as soft and simple as his favorite tee, like the ERGObaby Carrier, made with durable canvas, plush padding, and 400-thread-count cotton lining. It's as versatile as a tee, too: Wear baby in the front, back, or on the hip. And chances are it will be as hard to destroy as that worn-out shirt from his college days."
Click here to view the Ergo Baby Carriers
Mar 10, 2009
KidCo Press Release regarding their compliance with the new CPSIA law!

Mar 4, 2009
New Reduced Bugaboo Frog Price!