Due to the recent advice from the American Academy of Pediatrics to keep children rear-facing until their second birthday, rear-facing capacity has gained some renewed interest.
Sunshine Kids has recently completed additional crash testing and Radian's rear-facing capacity has been increased to 40 lbs. The Radian seats meet all the rear-facing crash test performance standards in FMVSS213, even at 40 lbs (Note: such performance is not required by law for RF seats above 22 lbs). As well, Radian seats were successfully NCAP crash tested (35 mph / 47 g's impact force — almost twice the forces — compared to 30 mph / 25 g's impact in FMVSS213 crash tests). This new change will be reflected in new manuals later in the year. In the meantime, please note this increased rear-facing capacity is now retroactive to all U.S. model Radian seats made after September, 2008.
Click here to learn more about the Sunshine Kids Radian Car SeatsModels: U.S. models only - Radian65(16500), Radian80(18500) and RadianXT(19500)
- Rear-facing capacity for these Radian models has been increased to 40 lbs.
- This change will be reflected on future Radian manuals and stickers.
- This change is now retroactive and applies to U.S. Radian models manufactured in or after September, 2008.